Starting a business in Italy

starting a business in italy

Starting a Business in Italy: Use our address as your office

Italy is a country where they were born and developed. Many companies have become great references in the world market. This is why Italy is the right country in which to create a business of great impact

But starting a business in Italy is not an easy task. The country has a complicated legal system and it can be difficult to find the right place for your business. But if you are looking for a place where you can invest in order to have more opportunities, Italy is the best choice.

A person may conduct a business either as an individual, or through the setting up of a new company or through the purchase of shares/quotes in an existing company. Such opportunities are available both for European and non-European citizens.

The most common companies that can be established are:

  • S.R.L. (Società a responsabilità limitata) – limited liability company;
  • S.P.A. (Società per Azioni) – stockholding companies (company limited by shares).
  • S.N.C. (Società in nome collettivo) – general or unlimited partnership;
  • S.A.S. (Società in accomandita semplice) – limited partnership.

It is very important to have an accountant who is familiar with laws and procedures. And a preventive analysis is also very important to understand which company form is most suitable for the business you want to undertake in Italy.

Then it is necessary to open a bank account in order to carry out all financial activities in Italy.
It is necessary to open a bank account in order to carry out all financial activities in Italy.
What are the advantages of having an Italian bank account?
– It’s the only way to get a tax number for your company
– It’s the only way to get a VAT number for your company
– You can use it as an address for your company, which is useful if you want to apply for permits and licenses
– The bank will send you your monthly statement every month, so you’ll always know how much money you’ve got.

No less important is having a tax address to which all tax and financial communications can be sent. It goes without saying that there are even more things to do. And therefore having a specialized and qualified interlocutor is essential.
We can help you achieve your goal in Italy. Leave your details below and we will call you back to offer you all the necessary assistance.